Cost Reduction Engineering Intern
Department: Cost Reduction
My experience
I built a library to categorize and search all the various fasteners Navistar uses. This included making complexity changes to how we classify parts as well as identifying parts that are unused or could be removed to achieve significant savings.
The department is very small but super friendly and everyone in the company is willing to make time for interns even if it's not directly work related.
Would recommend it to people who...
like individualized projects and are more geared toward engineering operations
Would NOT recommend it to people who...
prefer team projects or want very technical work
Impact of work
0Time spent working
How did working remote affect your experience?
It made it harder to connect with individuals but I felt more in control over my experience. They are slowly transitioning to the office again but it will take some time.
Interview advice
Interview Rounds
Interview format(s)
Interview type
Advice on how to prepare
Take your time. They're aware the questions they ask are difficult for inexperienced persons.
More questions? Send the reviewer a message!