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Pro-Type Industries

Medical Fabrication
See all reviews for Pro-Type Industries

Machine Shop Apprentice

Unstructured internship Sterling, VaEmployed: Summer 2019
Format: In-person
Department: Inspection and Quality Control
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


Tasked with inspecting massive part batches. Used Six-Sigma quality control processes to either approve, reject, or recommend part batches for further finishing.

Learned a ton of really useful info regarding the manufacturing industry. However, totally not worth spending a summer interning. The hours are exhausting and the intern program isn't well developed enough to keep interns meaningfully busy. Really have to be a self-starter and seek out projects if you want to gain anything from the experience.

Would recommend it to people who...

Are self-starters, have interests in CNC and sheet-metal manufacturing. Are okay with long days, working in a factory, and older colleagues.

Would NOT recommend it to people who...

Hate manufacturing, do not work well with others, find repetitive tasks boring, are scared of manufacturing machines.

Impact of work

How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?

Time spent working

Interview advice

Interview Rounds

Interview format(s)

Interview type

Advice on how to prepare

Be yourself. This is a small manufacturing company, so everyone is down to earth and personable.

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