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Manhattan Associates

Supply Chain Software
See all reviews for Manhattan Associates

R&D Co-Op

Unstructured internship Atlanta Employed: Summer 2019
Format: In-person
Department: R&D
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


Was assigned to create a proof of concept (POC) for a newer software that they wanted to implement. Basically I just had to show that the application would be viable and create a live demo for what the software would be like when in use.

I don't know how they did it but they chose the most fun intern class when I worked here. The other interns were really easy to get along with and it was a great opportunity to make friends in my major as well. The coding challenge was very kind. They definitely balanced work & play and let you connect with the other interns and meet the full-time employees to get to know what it's like working there.

Would recommend it to people who...

are freshman, or this is your first time looking for a CS internship and you're new to coding challenges

Would NOT recommend it to people who...

can't wake up early for sprint calls (working with Bangalore team means you have to get on early meeting calls)

Impact of work

How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?

Time spent working

Interview advice

Interview Rounds

Interview format(s)

Interview type

Advice on how to prepare

Come in knowing what is on your resume; they will ask you about it and you don't want to be caught off-guard.

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