GPD EXCEL Mechanical Engineering Intern
Department: Virtual Design, Development, and Validation
My experience
I wrote some Python scripts to automate the post-processing for some of their FEA analysis for the hood slam test case. I was essentially working with the API for their FEA post-processing software but it wasn't anything too complex for someone with a CS background. I also got to witness some in-person tests and run some FEA simulations so that was also pretty cool.
Pay, flexibility, company culture, coworkers friendly and willing to help
Low housing stipend, remote work leaves isolated feeling, not always enough work for interns
Impact of work
Time spent working
How did working remote affect your experience?
A lot of the CS interns and a lot of the mechanical/electrical engineers were almost fully remote, so it felt a little isolated sometimes. My position was very flexible which was nice because I could choose to stay home or go into the office depending on how I felt each day.
Interview advice
How did you find the job / apply?
Interview Rounds
Interview type
Interview questions
Very standard behavioral questions. The first interview was an online interview where you talk into the camera instead of to a person so that was a little harder for me. The second interview was your standard interview where you're talking face-to-face with two engineers at the company.
Advice on how to prepare
Apply as early as possible. GM hires on a rolling basis. Also, there are positions for almost anyone (CS, CompE, EE, MechE, Systems, Aero, etc.). Finally, if you have any CS experience, emphasize it! GM loves to hear that you have CS knowledge since they're trying to transition the company to be more virtual.
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