software engineer intern
My experience
focused on creating a website that was an updated version of an old website they had. This was done using razor pages in core. Also Worked on navigating a large code base and having to update certain syntax (changing it from <iframe/> to <iframe></iframe>)
Get to contribute to a useful project, chill work environment, get your own office area
Some internsI know weren't very fortunate with their projects, so they ended up working on some very boring documentation the whole summer
Would recommend it to people who...
Enjoy building websites and like a chill work environment
Impact of work
Time spent working
Interview advice
How did you find the job / apply?
Interview Rounds
Interview type
Interview questions
The questions were easy-medium in in difficulty and they primarily asked behavioral questions about working in a team and technical questions focused on websites such as "what is an MVC", and
Advice on how to prepare
The technical questions weren't extremely hard, so if you manage to make a good impression you have a good chance of getting an internship there.
More questions? Send the reviewer a message!