National Institutes of Health
Government Administration
See all reviews for National Institutes of Health Summer Intern (GDSSP)
Structured internship Bethesda, MD Employed: Summer 2019
Department: NCBI
Department: NCBI
My experience
I worked with a post-doc in our lab to partially formulate ideas on how to statistically answer the biological question we wanted to address, but I was mostly implementing the post-doc's ideas in R. I spent most of the day coding in R, both writing my own scripts and modifying a previously released package for our needs. However, there were many other people in my program, GDSSP, and they had a wide range of experiences, tasks, and mentors. Everyone had unique roles, but in general I think people were very happy with the program.
Would recommend it to people who...
enjoy computational biology
Would NOT recommend it to people who...
can't work independently
Impact of work
How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?
Time spent working
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