Test Lab Intern
Department: Test Lab
My experience
Built many testing set-ups using power tools and administering tests.||My main project was quantifying how long a project takes to go through the lab for testing. I spent only about my last two weeks on the project and completed it to the boss's expectations. I did not feel like the project I was doing was very useful for predicting lab time or improving lab efficiency; however, the bosses upstairs claimed it had an impact and they seemed excited for it. ||The work was not super mentally challenging or could be considered much of engineering. I really enjoyed working down in the lab with the guys. Even though it was not super challenging, it was an enjoyable job working with my hands and doing more ""technician"" type work. Paid pretty well at $20/hr.
Would recommend it to people who...
Are looking for a springboard internship. I believe it set me up really well for my next internship. Fantastic for first internship.
Would NOT recommend it to people who...
Want to be challenged in their engineering understanding.
Impact of work
0Time spent working
Interview advice
Advice on how to prepare
Career fair and website application.
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