Risk & Financial Advisory Intern
Department: Technology (TMT)
My experience
Was in charge of helping out with workpapers, conducting controls test, ITGC tests, IT audit which was extremely boring and not challenging for me. Basically all I did was put things into excel, reword things, put check marks next to tests that passed. Looked through files of screenshots and put it in the excel sheet.
The job description for this posting is lowkey deceptive because they make it sound so exciting, but in reality, it is just IT audit and I definitely did not do enough research before pursuing this role. I didn’t end up taking my return offer of $79,000 + $5k signing bonus in the Bay Area office, but I’m glad I didn’t because I have a better job lined up. :)
I got paid pretty well for my first internship. Worked on two teams and both of them were extremely supportive. My manager was also really great, I was honest about how I thought that this role wasn’t the career path for me and he was extremely supportive. He also took me and 2 other interns out for lunch on the last day and we got to go to the office, which was pretty cool.
Boring work (in my opinion), full time expected to work 45-55 hours per week I believe.
Impact of work
Time spent working
How did working remote affect your experience?
Found it a bit hard to connect virtually with other interns. Didn’t feel like there was that much of a community outside of my teams
Interview advice
How did you find the job / apply?
Interview type
Interview questions
Tell me about yourself, why this role, why Deloitte. Not very difficult. One case study, but they have practice ones on the site.
Advice on how to prepare
Have some sort of leadership experience on campus to show you are involved. I managed to get this role without any prior internship experience and only school stuff such as being a peer mentor + being in 2 clubs (not on the board either)
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