Capital Projects Management Intern
Department: Capital Projects Management
My experience
Worked with project managers to design and contract a processing line for Clorox Wipes. In addition worked with project managers to design and contract cold storage silo for food raw materials. Shadowed and helped out with various other projects including data analysis, drawings reviews, permit writing, contract writing, bidding, etc. Due to covid, also had to help with distribution team on analyzing orders and redistributing orders of Clorox products for covid.
Great company culture, people are very welcoming and want you to succeed. Due to covid, my role was changed relatively significantly, but I was still able to do Project Management work remotely. They were able to pivot pretty quickly and still helped me to make sure I was able to do work that helped the company and myself.
Would recommend it to people who...
Want to get into Project Management within the manufacturing rolls.
Would NOT recommend it to people who...
Don't like to deal with people and attend a lot of meetings.
Impact of work
Time spent working
How did working remote affect your experience?
It changed the work style, however they were very fast at pivoting and was able to give me meaningful work despite changing to remote work.
Interview advice
Interview Rounds
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