R&D Intern
Unstructured internship Atlanta, GA Employed: Spring 2019, Summer 2019
Format: In-person
My experience
I was a pretty typical intern. My experience was a bit different because our location was temporary and it was just my boss, one other intern, and I. We were conducting immuno-oncology experiments in vitro and in vivo. I did almost all of the cell culture work and took over our animal studies as well. I mostly prepped for the experiments and collected the data and my boss did the analyses and writing and such.
Would recommend it to people who...
are interested in hands-on science in a lab and aren't afraid of working with animals.
Would NOT recommend it to people who...
want a lot of interaction with people.
Impact of work
How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?
Time spent working
Interview advice
Interview Rounds
Interview format(s)
Interview type
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