Cyber Security Intern
Unstructured internship Alpharetta Employed: Summer 2020
Format: Remote
My experience
I was working on asset discovery and categorization (basically researching assets that are scanned through passive scanners and marking them as either owned by the company or not owned).
The culture is awesome! The people are great and very welcoming! And they do a good job trying to expose the interns with all the security departments through presentations and weekly chats.
Would recommend it to people who...
People who want to get into the cyber security world (good security exposure)
Would NOT recommend it to people who...
People looking for more developing roles
Impact of work
How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?
Time spent working
How did working remote affect your experience?
It was a nice experience, they may continue doing it remote at least next year if not more
Interview advice
Interview Rounds
Interview format(s)
Interview type
Advice on how to prepare
Mostly behavioral and asked about my resume, didn't ask technical questions
More questions? Send the reviewer a message!