PGD Intern
Department: PGD Division/RSI Team
My experience
Drone Solar Panel Image Program NextEra project to improve the accuracy of the object detection model used to identify 9 solar panel failures taken through infrared images. Model improvement significantly reduces the manual identification work done by drone pilots • Used the VoTT object detection software to classify 2,000 additional images of solar panel failures in order to retrain the existing model. Improved model accuracy from 52% to 87%. • Acquired knowledge of how solar panels work and the infrared characteristics of the 9 solar panel failures Spar Cap Model NextEra project to develop a model that predicts spar cap cracks in turbine blades • Required heavy analysis of 700,000+ lines of data in Excel to determine what relationships exist between variables • Result is a predictive maintenance model that will automate work orders and send wind technicians to particular turbines before a possible blade repair becomes a blade replacement. Reduces the available loss revenue (ALR) for the company
I initially applied as a computer engineering major so this position was geared towards that. I believe that if I were an EE major at the time, I would have worked in a more hardware-heavy position. I did not enjoy this position as much because I mostly worked with software.
Would recommend it to people who...
Enjoy working with data or data science
Would NOT recommend it to people who...
Want to work with hardware/backendsoftware.
Impact of work
How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?
Time spent working
How did working remote affect your experience?
The experience was not as enjoyable because it was my frst internship and I was not able to interact with any of my peers except for the one other intern on my team. However, my team worked well virtually and we were able to set up meetings easily and frequently, so I learned a lot from the older members of my team.
Interview advice
Interview Rounds
Interview format(s)
Interview type
Advice on how to prepare
Mostly pretty chill. I had little experience since I was a first-year, but I was able to tie in previous high school experiences as well as a few college experiences.
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