Software Engineering Intern
Unstructured internship Phoenix, AZ Employed: Summer 2020
Format: In-person
My experience
Worked on an updated card replacement module to revamp design and add functionality from business for about 30% of my time and otherwise kept asking for work with nothing to be given.
Loved the team and they really cared about growth, but I was added onto a team who did not anticipate an intern so they didn't really prepare adequately. I had hardly any work and would actively sit on my phone or go and hang out with interns during the day. Lots of interns also didn't have a ton of work.
Would recommend it to people who...
are wanting some Tech experience and growth
Would NOT recommend it to people who...
are really passionate about doing tons of code
Impact of work
How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?
Time spent working
Interview advice
Interview Rounds
Interview format(s)
Interview type
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