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South Dakota State University

See all reviews for South Dakota State University

REU Undergraduate Researcher

Unstructured internship Brookings, South DakotaEmployed: Summer 2021
Format: In-person
Department: Department of Agronomy, Horticulture, and Plant Science
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


I used bioinformatics tools to annotate the novel prairie cordgrass genome using data from RNA-seq experiments


Did original research, good exposure to exactly what research is like as a graduate student, generous stipend


Program was a little disorganized at times for other students, your experience will depend a lot on who your mentor is

Would recommend it to people who...

Want to do a PhD

Impact of work

Time spent working

Interview advice

How did you find the job / apply?

Interview Rounds

Interview type

Interview questions

There weren't any interviews

Advice on how to prepare

Your personal statement and letters of recommendation are everything. For REUs, the main purpose is to increase diversity in STEM and give opportunities to do research to people who go to small schools without research opportunities, so if you fall in either of those categories, be sure to highlight that in your personal statement. I'm a white man at a huge research university, so I got into this one because I wanted to do bioinformatics research and there was one professor whose project was bioinformatics. Definitely find two or three professors you'd want to work with and talk about how you'd want to work on their specific projects in your personal statement

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