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City of Arlington

See all reviews for City of Arlington

Engineering Intern

Arlington, TexasEmployed: Summer 2022
Format: In-person
Department: Planning Services
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


I was to review a large amount of data for a project that took place a couple years ago, inspecting the city’s sewer pipelines. I copied, pasted, corrected data from separate Excel spreadsheets to create one larger compilation. Coming across mistakes, I researched engineering drawings and GIS to correct them, or submit corrections for the GIS. I later had to apply several formulas and slice up data. It was here where complex Excel equations applied, and I learned a lot about what Excel could do on my own. I had to think up logical formulas to pull what I wanted from the thousands of cells. I also classified and reviewed many land plots in the city to help the senior engineers gain more accurate data for their presentations and models. Basically looked at Google Maps and the in-house GIS to determine what a plot of city land is used for. It may be boring to some but can be fairly entertaining if you’re nosy and enjoy researching the city.

The COA is mostly pretty great to work for. In my experience there, the people are nice and welcoming and don’t take their stress out on you. They’ll show you how to do things and you can learn a lot if you do your part and make the effort.


My coworkers were very available and gave me sufficient amounts of work to do. I was not rushed or micromanaged but just checked in on in case I needed help figuring something out.


It’s a lot of sitting in front of the computer and that can be mind-numbing at times.

Impact of work

Time spent working

Interview advice

How did you find the job / apply?

Interview Rounds

Interview type

Interview questions

Tell us about a time where you came up with an alternate idea after getting stuck. Tell us about a time where something unethical happened and how you responded. What do you plan to do further in your career?

Advice on how to prepare

Get the STAR interview format down. There’s not a lot of technical questions or any at all, as they understand you’re just starting out. Show work ethic and that you’re chill to work with.

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