Software Engineer Intern
Unstructured internship Remote Employed: Summer 2021
Format: Remote
Department: Content Management Group
Department: Content Management Group
My experience
Creating new tools and improving user experience for blogging.
Nice experience, great intern onboarding
Would recommend it to people who...
Prioritize company culture, prioritize flexibility and autonomy
Impact of work
Time spent working
How did working remote affect your experience?
Still managed to make friends and form relationships but not too much with other interns
Interview advice
How did you find the job / apply?
Interview Rounds
Interview type
Interview questions
System design case questions, leetcode medium algorithms, how would you describe HubSpot's platform? What to do when your coworker isn't pulling their weight, etc.
Advice on how to prepare
Focus more on API usage and system design over grinding leetcode
More questions? Send the reviewer a message!