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See all reviews for AT&T

GEN Intern

Atlanta, GA and Los Angeles, CAEmployed: Summer 2019, Summer 2018
Format: Remote + In-person
Department: Customer Care @ Cricket, and second summer was Advertising for AT&T TV
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


Very bored, not a ton of work. I took on some projects on my own to help the internship program team (random hype videos, etc.) but the Cricket summer had really nothing to do. The advertising summer I at least got to sit in on a lot of cool meetings.

Impact of work

Time spent working

How did working remote affect your experience?

I missed some cool in-person shoots/production things for the advertising summer

Interview advice

How did you find the job / apply?

Advice on how to prepare

I had a connection, not sure what the key is.

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