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Jacobs Engineering Group

Engineering Consulting
See all reviews for Jacobs Engineering Group

Process Engineering Intern

RemoteEmployed: Summer 2021
Format: Remote
Department: Process Engineering
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


reviewing valve lists and piping/instrumentation diagrams. modeling pipe sections to calculate pressure drop


did real work relevant to an actual project


working on designing a plant that doesn't exist yet inherently feels a bit detached. with such a large project it is easy to lose sight of the overall goal

Impact of work

Time spent working

How did working remote affect your experience?

A lot of the work is done online regardless, so it didn't change much in terms of responsibilities, but socially it obviously was a bit harder

Interview advice

How did you find the job / apply?

Interview Rounds

Interview type

Interview questions

they were mostly personality/interest-based. no specific quizzing on content knowledge

Advice on how to prepare

it really just depends on your ability to connect with/make a good impression with the hiring manager / interview panel

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