Technology Analyst Intern
Department: Software / Market Risk Management
My experience
The internship program is divided into two main projects: your work for your main team and the intern project, which is completed by teams of 5 or 6 interns. The intern project for the last few years has been relating to utilizing machine learning and sentiment analysis toward other companies to develop a technology to help the bank. It's an open prompt, intentionally so, so that each team designs something different. At the end of the internship, the intern project teams give a formal pitch on their work to a board of tech execs and a winner is chosen to win a prize. |For me the work I did with my main team was awesome as well - I was tasked with coding some python scripts to scan through files in a repo and, under very specific conditions like file type, keywords, and others, copy these into new files. This might sound like random work but it involved some pretty puzzling logic that was so much fun to figure out and was a part of a greater long-term vision of reducing the build time for my team's product. This team was a joy to work with as well, they were available, friendly, and involved. ||Day to day I attended stand up meetings, worked on my team project in the morning, then went to lunch at the cafe on site, worked on the intern project with my team in the afternoon, and then ended the day with a 1 to 1 with either my manager or my project partner. After work, interns often hung out or went to the gym (free to use on site during the week).
DB has had a rough time financially so we witnessed some layoffs during the time I was there. This is something to keep in mind that job security beyond the internship and grad programs may get iffy over the next few years, but I believe the Cary technology office will be needed for many years to come.|I think most or all interns received solid offers to return for the grad program, so if you want a good job for full time this internship would be great to try out DB.
Would recommend it to people who...
Value meaningful relationships with a team, hands on management, a happy work environment, and cool projects.
Would NOT recommend it to people who...
Want a showy experience in a big city or a huge big-budget internship program
Impact of work
How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?
Time spent working
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