Unstructured internship Atlanta, GA
Format: In-person
Department: EOSL
Department: EOSL
My experience
Preparing for the arrival of a satellite: procuring tools, writing procedures, ensuring compliance with standards. Working on a website. Fabricating and characterizing supercapacitors.
Extremely flexible hours and understanding management. Excellent learning opportunity of real engineering and consequences. Working with NASA engineers.
Some days it was more difficult to find something productive to do, while other days were extremely busy. Some tasks more dull than others.
Would recommend it to people who...
Who love space or systems.
Impact of work
Time spent working
Interview advice
How did you find the job / apply?
Interview Rounds
Interview type
Interview questions
What my specializations and experiences are.
Advice on how to prepare
Either craft a resume to fit the requirements of the job listing or speak to professors about interest in their research.
More questions? Send the reviewer a message!